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Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM
Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.
C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
Beigesoft™ EIS is free accounting software. This is JEE-WEB-based software that works anywhere - on MS Windows, Mac, Linux and Android.
This is the first version of the successor to Beige Accounting All In One.
The main goal was successfully achieved, it works noticeably faster on weak devices such as a smartphone than its predecessor.
It works as:
* Standalone A-Jetty web-app for standard Java (Ms Windows, Mac, Nix...).
* Standalone A-Jetty web-app for Android (use "Beigesoft...
This project is deprecated. New project -
WEB based ERP that works on a standard JEE server as well as on A-Jetty (Jetty 9.2 adapted for Android that can run precompiled JSP/JSTL)
This project also contains:
* Beige-ORM is lightweigt multi-platform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, H2 and SQlite.
* Beige-WEB is CRUD interface based on standard JEE MVC (servlet, JSP, JSTL) and AJAX, JSON. It renders forms (include...
Get worldwide testers to review your software, app or website! Quickly find bugs and usability issues in less than 48 hours.
Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
Evaristo is an ERP solution written in Java (2 tier), though only avaialable in Portuguese, since version 4 is fully internationalizable. It requires a PostgreSQL database in order to store the data.
Projeto em Java que implementa a especificação da NFe e deverá ser atualizado conforme novas especificações forem surgindo, vide portal
Java project that implements the Brazilian Governament's NFe spec.
Knowledge Workbench is an AJAX based, collaborative DB environment using XML documents to capture data and relationships between the data. This is a new project in early development and based on the Knowledge Workbench project in concept and design.
A CRM and Sales Data Management Platform for Multi-Line Sales Teams
The CRM, sales reporting, and commission tracking tool uniquely tailored to the needs of manufacturers, sales reps, and distributors.
Repfabric is a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed specifically for multi-line sales teams (i.e. reps, distributors, wholesalers, dealers, and manufacturers). It streamlines and simplifies the sales process by providing deep integration with email, contacts, calendars, and deal tracking. The platform enables users to track commissions from CRM to sale, make updates directly from mobile devices, and document sales calls using voice-to-text features.
Open source fund accounting system for governmental and non-profits where scalability, robustness, maintainability and standards compliance are critical. Modules include GL, Cost Accounting, Budgeting, Procurement, Stores and more.
WL-Cash ist ein kleines aber feines Programm zur Durchführung von Kassiervorgängen in kleinen Geschäften. Außerdem bietet es Komponenten zur Überprüfung des Warenbestandes und der Einnahmen und Ausgaben
This is a construction management software to measure projects, to make budgets, to control cost, to make reports.
The goal of the project is to develop a construction application to do these things.
This web-application allows business users to design, in a collaborative working envirorment, a Business Process in Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN 1.0) language and to serialize it in XML Process Definition Language (XPDL 2.0 and 1.0).
This package contains the original scpfw (A "framework" for teaching CP), JISIMONEK (a Java Implementation of the SIMONEK model) and SISONEK (a Java environment for studying Joinable Schedules).
The Open Webpplication Suite is a suite of open source applications packaged together and delivered together with an extended version of the XAMPP application server.
A few simple OSS-Components with industrial strength are provided: A design-Pattern for Building your SOA-Poject, A Business Process Engine with event oriented Architecture, Security Services, A Service Registry...
xLCM - extensible Life Cycle Management
The Contract Management Component builds the core of this Management System. Other Components are Procurement- / Negotiation-Support, Acounting-Support and -Adaption.
This simple erp targets the small business longing for a easy to use application. Will include modules that handle client relationships, accounting, production, HR, administration, inventory, point of sales, among others. Platform Independent > Java.
Sistema comercial para PYMES orientado a las exigencias de la República dominicana, contiene módulos de facturación, modulo de inventario, modulo de compra, modulo CRM, Manejo de comprobante fiscal. Primer SL Dominicano, Desarrollado 100% en Java.
The CRP-Capacity Requirement Planning, shortly “CRP Capacity”, is a solution that is targeted for manufacturing enterprises with discrete production processes and currently allows the maintenance of resource related master data and interdependencies.