Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
Gea.Net Pro Software gestionale ERP per PMI
The Free & Popular Snipe-IT Web Software in a Complete Virtual Machine
Free & Open Capacity Planning Software in a Complete Virtual Machine
Peoples Openbravo
open source edi translator
It’s a Lubuntu based ERP OS. Get two ERP software preinstalled
JEE based Accounting web-application.
Tiny ERP system for a salon
ERP with TPV for PetStores
ERP, IP PBX, Accounting, CRM, Time tracking, and etc.
ERP for SMEs (Accounting Module)
Gestão Empresarial Gratuito
JEE based ERP system.
ShelterOps - Animal and Wildlife data management software
online resource management solution
Zikru aims to create an extensible web application
A totally web based erp system powered by Java Spring.