Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool
State machines and statecharts for the modern web
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
SDC facilitates development of dist. systems of medical devices.
MDG for Sparx' Enterprise Architect to Create TRAK arch. descriptions
Specifications for TRAK architecture views
Simple, pragmatic architecture description - for system-thinkers
Java CMS that delivers smartphone simplicity on an enterprise scale
Face Mask Detection system based on computer vision and deep learning
Free software to validate BPMN business process diagrams.
Code for modelling estimated deaths and cases for COVID19
Models of COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand
iClassicMDM offered by ETS is a Master Data Platform for all.
TreoPIM is the free PIM Software for retailers, producers and brands.
Imixs Workflow - the open source business process management
Wharton models
SmartPOS (Includes->SmartERP distro of Idempiere ERP) is 100% Web
Identity Based Integration
Dissolution profile comparison Model Dependent-Independent Approach
Open-source Business Management Application for Freelance Translators
A Java library to communicate with SAP