Multiple account (or label) Gmail notifier (without storing passwords)
MAIA® Reg. Browser 1.4 helps you to browse the registers of a PIC®
Notes Mail Query allows you to search arcoss multiple notes archives
A PHP API which provides Sync Support for multiple PHP suppo Databases
Advanced Spamming Tool
It's a WAP application to receive and send email messages
Email client written in C# .NET; fast and smart, 1 button push mailing
Outlook Macro for moving specific mails and reading their content
Email Newsletter is can mass-mail HTML emails to unlimited individuals
Partageons tous en coeur
A simple contact script including a contact form and online viewer
A test level for a horror game under development.
MOX Bulk Email Sender is free and powerful bulk email sender script
Conversation manager
Sends external IP changes via email, using Imap.
An easy way to send documents to your kindle
Multiple Mail Monitoring
Very fast and dynamically expandable data structure.