Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Take back control of your email with this mail server in a box
Simplistic interactive filtering tool
Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
PHP Email address validator
Google Apps Script to send third party recruiter email to spam
Fast Bayesian spam filter along lines suggested by Paul Graham
Per user/admin filtering of individual/group emails
SMTP email proxy and relay server
Free Extracts Emails, Phones and custom text from Web using JAVA Regex
Blazor Table component with sorting, paging and filtering
Bunch of useful filters for AngularJS with no external dependencies!
Secure mail + Tor gateway
imap cleanup & command line tool
The free cross-platform antivirus software tool-kit
Converts quoted-printable, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF16LE to 8-bit.
Tools to convert Z mark-up to HTML or text.
Obsolete SARE rule archive - SpamAssassin autogenerated rules