Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.
Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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Total Network Visibility for Network Engineers and IT Managers
Network monitoring and troubleshooting is hard. TotalView makes it easy.
This means every device on your network, and every interface on every device is automatically analyzed for performance, errors, QoS, and configuration.
Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team
Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team. UI Bootstrap provides a set of native AngularJS directives based on Bootstrap's markup and CSS. As a result no dependency on jQuery or Bootstrap's JavaScript is required. Build files for all directives are distributed in several flavours: minified for production usage, un-minified for development, with or without templates. It should be noted that the -tpls files contain the templates bundled in JavaScript, while the regular...
Bibliograph is a powerful and intuitive open source web application for the collaborative collection, editing and publishing of bibliographic data such as a bibliographies, small library collections or shared research data. It features a modern user interface similar to a desktop application.
We've moved to
gMol is an interactive visualization system used to display and manipulate 3-dimensional models of scientific data, such as molecular structures and surfaces. It contains both OpenGL and web browser widgets that enable flexible user interfaces.
I heard about a method where you can learn 1000 words in a year with 10 minutes of daily effort.
This program does organize, and divide the words in daily chunks.
It is a module for Lepton-CMS or WebsiteBaker
A CRM and Sales Data Management Platform for Multi-Line Sales Teams
The CRM, sales reporting, and commission tracking tool uniquely tailored to the needs of manufacturers, sales reps, and distributors.
Repfabric is a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed specifically for multi-line sales teams (i.e. reps, distributors, wholesalers, dealers, and manufacturers). It streamlines and simplifies the sales process by providing deep integration with email, contacts, calendars, and deal tracking. The platform enables users to track commissions from CRM to sale, make updates directly from mobile devices, and document sales calls using voice-to-text features.
... of downloads, average number of downloads and average number of commits. Based on this information, it can be determined if a project would be an appropriate candidate for a project for students or a particular class.
This project has been separated into different groups to account for the amount of people working on the project. The project consists of these teams:
Community Team
Document Team
Development Team
UI Team
MediaGlyphs: an international language based on multimedia ideograms. It allows to read, think or type in your own language sentences written with the shared mediaglyphs: a common writing system for the world, Simple Unambiguous Neutral & Universal.
MathWorx is a JavaScript library of mathematical objects, also including 2D plotting functionality and will eventually have 3D object compatibility. A GUI editor will be made based on these libraries to ease the development of interactive math pages.
JLink lets users author flow charts based on ISO 5807 and IBM standards. Developers can use JLink to add flowcharts to applications, serve a flow chart over the web in PDF or PNG, or dynamically create a flowchart with Javascript, Python or Ruby scripts
Easy tools suite & framework for fast development Enterprise Application. Quick start sample for using popular open-source projects. Strong Chinese support. ClearWork——中国中小企业快速构建信息系统的框架和复用工具集合。
Component Content Management System for Software Documentation
Great tool for serious technical writers
Paligo is an end-to-end Component Content Management System (CCMS) solution for technical documentation, policies and procedures, knowledge management, and more.
Stackful is a web-based programming environment for beginners inspired by Hypercard. Users can create web pages live by dropping in page elements, positioning them, and writing the code behind them. Everyone should learn a little programming.
Avian Freeware Suite (AFS) provides two things: Developers with libraries for Java Swing Widgets, XML handling, Fortran95 and Pascal; End users (Medical students, doctors, scientists) with productivity tools they can use (quizzes, XML databasing & PDF)
Advanced learning tool to assist students in improving there Java programming skills. Includes real-time checking of user answers to exercises set through the web-based UI, which is powered by PHP, Java and mySQL.
WebMathUI-013 is a UI layer that displays math test and interact
with users. The project is ONLY intended to be a UI layer and will try to use other sourceforge projects for user management, test management etc - which should be a seperate project.
eyeEdu is a web-based desktop (built from the eyeOS project), redesigned for the use of kids. Many applications are included that combine learning and fun, along with an intuitive kid-friendly interface.
[online HTML / CSS editor] teaching tool - cms # easy to use code editor with syntaxhighlighting # advanced filebrowser to manage any website structure # php5, Javascript, Ajax, html, css3 # software can be used behind every existing website
The project will integrate viable aspects of the semantic web technologies
for use with advanced Semantic SQLCLI based XML DBMS. The purpose of this
project is develop a GUI Application for a Suite of ECM Services.