Litmus helps SREs and developers practice chaos engineering
Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
Guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks
Open Source Institutional Registers Backup Syst. for Paper Registers
Helps you find, download & burn the best Operating System for any PC
Book about interpretable machine learning
ECG Logger is a complete Holter system incl. device and firmware.
Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) desktop app for learning Git and GitHub
Expression evaluator for Delphi developers
py 2048, a well know 2048 clone board game
Formative evaluation platform
Software for managing Admissions, Withdrawals, Marks in Monastic Inst.
Software for managing Libraries in Monastic Institutions
A Single Click Language Changer and Publishing System for Web and DTP
PLC Programming Best Practices
pic 18f452 trainer and internals viewer
Graphing calculator within the Windows desktop console
a Scratch Interface for Lego NXT
Software for book libraries.
Libre software to help remember visual and verbal facts.