application to learn classical score notation.
GUI Application to Search and Count the Pure King James Bible
LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
A modern ebook reader and library manager
Didactic application to aid students in learning Numerical Methods;
Grades is an intuitive Qt C++ app for managing school grades.
Gradually Varied Flow (GVF) simulation.
Editeur de texte pour les enfants
Delinux! A brazilian free operating system for everyday!
Qt Visual Graph Editor
A Python library for solving geometric constraint problems
It's Window application to download novel, now it can only download fr
Flashcards application with Spaced Repetition method
A small flashcards application allowing user to create, edit, and use
Periodic Table of Elements a quick reference tool
Controller-Pilot Data Link Simulator for procedural and radar training
This application is a 3 dimensions object maker and viewer program.
Extract PPG signal from video image of the face
A cross-platform, Qt-based software to communicate through serial port
A implementation of Game Of Life, written in C++ with QT.
A classic word guessing game