A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries
Play mechanical keyboard sounds, typewriter sound as you type
Create software without writing a single line of code
A very efficient tutor.
Free & Open Community Edition Server in a Complete Virtual Machine
Chordpro editor that can display, transpose and print song sheets.
Archive your personal history
An Easy to Edit HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT QUIZ - For Students & Teachers
show and edit eulumdat files
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
TOMUSS: The Online Multi User Simple Spreadsheet
A simple application for managing student information.
Usegroup is a user and group manager.
Grab screen areas and note it with a mouse, pen & keyboad quickly.
With an Automated Service Installer for Windows 32/64 Bit Versions
Polish to English translation aid. Automatic dictionary presentation.
Code editor in single HTML file
Web IDE in single HTML file
Worderize is designed to make the language learning more effective.
View, Edit and extract transactions from (PESC) standard Edi Files.
◆ A Versatile Tool for Language Learning ◆
Create your own Angry Birds levels with Open-Level Editor!