Chinese version of Google open source project style guide
An open, technical and introductory book for the Zig programming lang
ESP8266 Weather Station library supporting OpenWeatherMap
An educational software system of a tiny self-compiling C compiler
A tool for learning programming basis with a simple spanish pseudocode
Create software without writing a single line of code
PICSimLab is a realtime emulator for PIC, Arduino, STM32, ESP32, ...
SUMO is a microscopic, multi-modal traffic simulation.
Free Open-Source Egg Incubation Software
MathMod is a mathematical modeling software
A book reader for Nintendo DS
Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math
An Arduino-based Altitude and IMU Payload for Model Rocketry
GUI Application to Search and Count the Pure King James Bible
Guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks
Surface Explorer 3D plots mathematical surfaces in 3D.
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
Supporting Code for Bloom Filter Analysis UCSB CMPSC 130A F22
Benchmark for 50 000 000 prime numbers as single and multicore
A single rod model rocket launch control system using the Arduino Nano
programming language for children
Source code used in the book Programming in C++, Part 1.
2D Heat Numerical Heat Transfer Solver