A simple irregular verbs generator to test your skills!
HTML schedule generator from list of events
Mulithreading Arduno library
Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS by the AngularUI Team
A small flashcards application allowing user to create, edit, and use
Open Source Online Bibliographic Data Management
Matrix Calculator for LinuX
C++ header only library with AI and bioinformatics algorithms
Small helper app for running contests.
GaRLiC=Gambas Raw Lines of Code, a Gambas2 code library for use in SMB
ActiveX/ATL molecular viewer component
Easy and fast free hindi typing tutor and english typing tutor
Intermediate Python Chinese version
Growth engineering, the definitive guide
Small game which asks questions
GUI application for editing database files.
Tiny education compiler that can compile itself
py 2048, a well know 2048 clone board game
Bachelor of Science (Informatik)
Body Mass Index (BMI) and Other Indexes Calculator with Classification
Simple android app for students to quickly makes notes and revise!
A better screen capturing program