Uility to make home movies from your digital camera files
To make movies from your camera (or phone) video files.
FFmpeg is a professional-quality, free, open-source program for video editing, with the ability to implement a huge number of operations and handle every data format! This kind of ability comes at a cost: its commands are quite complex-looking and difficult to use and remember.
Clipstitch runs as a front-end to ffmpeg so that you use only the sub-set of ffmpeg commands necessary for making a home movie from your digital camera, puts them in easier-to-read form, and internally combines multiple ffmpeg commands to do certain tasks.. You can put Clipstitch commands into a text file and run as a script or type them in manually at a prompt.
You can:
Select portions of motion files with optional fades/slowmo/speedup, reverse play backwards.
Adjust clip order.
Concatenate to make your final "movie".
V5.5 introduced captions, and special effects features.