Massive parallel data platform for analytics, machine learning and AI
A safe home for all your data
DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System
Apache Impala
Rust High Performance compile-time ORM(RBSON based)
LinDB is a scalable, high performance, high availability database
StarRocks is a next-gen sub-second MPP database for full analytics
Hyperconverged cloud-edge native database
Open-source time-series database with high-performance and scalability
A distributed, fast open-source graph database
Apache IoTDB
GridDB is a next-generation open source database
Get your data in RAM, get compute close to data, enjoy the performance
A graph database that supports more than 100+ billion data
The open big data serving engine
Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku
A powerful, cross platform, SQL database system UI
Fast & stable Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 development stack for Windows
An open-source automated database testing tool
A File-Based SQL Database
Client-Server architectural SQL DBMS
TensorBase is a new big data warehousing with modern efforts
Database management in a single PHP file
Active, high-performance open source database middleware