A safe home for all your data
An open source MongoDB-like database with zero configuration
Mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB
Realm is a mobile database, an alternative to SQLite key-value stores
React Native Contacts
Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS and Mac
A Picker component for React Native for iOS and Android
A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript
A JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native
Cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat
API server module for Node/Express
Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis
A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager
Fetch the live NSE Stock Option Chain data in Excel
Object-Oriented Database in C# with Windows PowerShell interface
Java Application Framework
For working with old php applications
For working with old php applications
Perl Lib Database Connector
A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js
A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
TOTP server side algorithm