MATLAB toolbox for optimization modeling
Dynamoose is a modeling tool for Amazon's DynamoDB
Financial Derivatives Calculator with 171+ Models (Options Calculator)
Simple, pragmatic architecture description - for system-thinkers
Dynamic Consumption Modeling
Simple, pragmatic enterprise architecture for the mobile
Timeseries handling, and solving of large-scale economic models
Editor for Petri nets
Determining the power output of a PV array is not a precise exercise
Run multiple MALLET runs and report on search term prevalence.
Queue network modelization tool
A diagram/modeling tool.
Simple Visio stencil to help create TRAK architecture views
Excel function for multi-criteria selection problems
Synchronous Petri Nets' emulator
Powerful export module with xslt and python language support for Archi
Program for Stock Exchange operations modeling and data analysis
Simple, no-nonsense description of Enterprise Architecture in MooD.
Part of the XD Tools plugin for ontology testing.
A free, easy-to-use and user-friendly Java-based UML editor.