easy-canvas is a powerful tool helps us easy to layout with canvas
Generate an app from JSON
Klipse is a JavaScript plugin for embedding interactive code snippets
XML sources of SICP and SICP JS, and support
The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists)
Wikidata-based scholarly profiles
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG)
A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites
Build forms from JSON Schema, easily template-able
Compress JSON into URL friendly strings
a symbolic math expression evaluator for javascript
Open Source HTML5 Web Audio Library
Mind map and outliner editor for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS
Node server for dynamic, fake JSON
LaTeX Math for Markdown inside of Visual Studio Code
CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously
Develop more, Code less. Propeller is a front-end responsive framework
Linux desktop environment built with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and Python
Next generation desktop rich content editor that saves documents
Library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables
HTML to Sketch export solution
Polyfill for the HTML dialog element
Simple HTTP Error Page Generator
Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails
A patched version of discord, with bot login support