Disk Inspection and Monitoring
Software auto-installation builder
The world's only naturally intelligent knowledge technology
Real Space Multigrid based electronic structure code.
Convert to XML on the fly
Chat bot and free roaming AI in batch
Packages to create a Unix like environment under MS-Windows
Dexterity Game
Oracle69 an ironcore intelligent search engine
Virtual Physics Laboratory - PhenoSim3D
Anoncrypt-Text Encryption and Decryption Website in Java(Struts2)
Some Useful C-Utilities
An app to make tests.
Tool for division IP address and subnet
School bell manager program...
Single-header graphics library to teach C++
Open software persistence model
Toolkit for Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization
Interpedia VLMS (Virtual Lab Management System)
A free library for fast clipping of arbitrary polygons
The program allows you to create global hotkeys for iTunes