Build all of a light linux distro non-stop and no buildfails "with just a few commands".
It's all automatic from Termcap to Gtk-4 and making new USB, it's new enough run firefox-99 or 109* and Mathematica 13.1. Minimal commandlines and configuration required; just a few in itself, several end-to-end.
makes chroots
1) re-build 32; insures compiling of last self
2) 32 to 64 "cross compile"
3) apps build
3b) makes USB
cross compiles the cross compiler every time (harder than crossing of just apps) (note not canadian cross)
src8/ runs firefox-99 bin with sound+video, mathematica 13.1 with GL (last non-meson build), Xorg > 7.7, pulseaudio
src9 has mesa-22.1.7, gtk-4.6.7; meson built
older src2 (glibc-2.11) builds using src8.usb as does src9, does ff44 qt5 from source
Will have "older distro rc scripts" (are separate optional) for inet, XLogins, lotsa scripst, but has no wifi configure app
~500 pkgs built incl. configured database sendmail apache