Node.js SDK for the API
A generic JSON document store with sharing and synchronisation options
Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository
World Cup NFT Fantasy is a prediction-based game
Reliable & unreliable messages over UDP
Cnry makes it easy to publish and keep track of warrant canaries
Multi-tenancy extension for Kubernetes
A sample News app built using Modern Android Development
Blockchain Based Certificate Validation
Personal immortal robot for the The Great Web
Tool for Engineering Emergent Selforganizing bEhavioR
A Lightweight, Simple chating option for conversation
Reduce misspelled email addresses in your web apps
P2P Social Networking application under Linux
A simple library for sending emails with or without attachments
java based cmd tool to connect different smarthome plattforms
Adobe Flash Socket Policy File Server (cross-domain-policy)
Synology package to hibernate while running Mail Station & Server
A Social Media Encryption/Decryption Tool
NexusChat the convenient to chat/NexusChat a kenyelmes csevegeshez
.msg file renamer using metadata from Outlook message EMail tags.
ncurses VCard 3.0 contact management editor
A smart bot for basic tasks.