Streaming torrent client for the web
Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
High Performance TCP/UDP/HTTP communication component
Rapid spam filtering system
A realtime distributed messaging platform
Reliable & unreliable messages over UDP
Application for testing Server or Client socket connections (TCP)
32/64 bit multi-platform Modbus communication library
Serial <-> TCP/IP, Serial <-> UDP/IP, TCP/IP <-> UDP/IP
Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer.
Terminal for serial ports and TCP / UDP connections with JavaScript
A simple TCP server using telnet protocol for communication
Experimental, arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network
Modbus TCP,RTU Master Software.
Multi-platform browser for the distributed web
Ribbon is an inter process communication library
Modbus TCP/RTU Slave Software.
Ethernet/IP compatible library for .NET and LabView implementations
NetPCLinker (p2p) (Chat, FilesTransfer, Phone, Share)
A software gps simulator
eibd fork to use GIRA Homeserver KO-Gateway
A Desktop app for network stress testing, TCP-Ping and icmp ping.