Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
UCI chess engine
Chess Database and PGN viewer
Chess Database and Toolkit program
Chess analysis, training and testing for Windows.
A GNU/Linux operating system accessible for visually impaired.
Chess application whichs allows working with chess PDF books and PGNs.
javascript chess games viewer for websites, blogs and live broadcasts
Delphi Java - VRCalc++ OOSL (Script) and + (Binary Exec Distro)
A promising chess program
NetChess to play between two players over net or internet
Edit diagram.sty LaTeX diagrams
VR Adrix Java Works - Paged Lists - Action-Entity Model ...
Java Schach Turnierverwaltung / Java Chess Tournament Management
Blind Chess using Taiwan rule
a UCI chess engine
An Ais - old Anais without neural network
A computer algebra system for research in combinatorial game theory.