An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol
molecular editor and viewer
macOS version of the USGS geochemical modeling code PHREEQC
A software package for processing and analyzing chemical trajectories
A Raman spectra library with search and storage function.
Management and Analyzis of VASP calculations
MultiSpec EPR handles and present several spectra 1D and 2D
data analysis and Visualization with matplotlib
Joint Density Functional Theory
Print Steam Tables; Plot diagrams and cycles from equations of state
software for DFA method
NMR Product Operator Calculator
A simple molecular weight calculator
Open source electronic lab notebook (ELN) for scientists
Balances Chemical Equation
A web database for experimental results of research
controls high-temperature single-crystal XRD experiments using IPDSII
a Toolset for Molecular Mechanical Force Field Parameterization
GUI for MOPAC, DFTB+, GAMESS, Firefly, NWChem, ORCA and PSI4