IrcAppender forwards important log4j messages to an IRC channel
Atom chat room nestjs+vue full stack chat room
A robot companion for your company's chat room
A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots
A Discord client mimicking the Pesterchum chat client from Homestuck
Chat over SSH
A free client for sb0t an other servers in the Ares Network
Createdby Mahir-Rahman-Thinian
Unofficial discord client for the Nintendo Switch
Slack client for your terminal
Desktop client for Facebook Messenger
IXSF Messenger is a java-based messenger
FasFollow is a social media website, and use to connect people.
PHP Web Portal based on PHP/MySQL
Flash message middleware for Koa and Passport
Fast, neat discord TUI written in Crystal
usun Messenger framework for various tasks processing
Open-source XMPP client for Android
A cross platform NINJAM client with linear chain-streaming mode
The community platform for the future