Библиотека УГО компонентов для Kicad
CAD 2D for Land Surveying and Civil
An easy and flexible mathematical programming environment for Python.
Parallel finite element analysis
Linux tiny CAD for educational purposes
COPanno optimizes the panels cuts.
Open DXFs with QCad
Free multiphysics simulation software package
Open Knowledge on engineering development.
This plugin exports G-Code for a wirecutter
An Open source Analysis and SImulation Toolbox for Fuel Cells
A designer’s program for describing parts of the building
OpenFOAM UI based on web
Testsuite for libdwg
3D CAM program for CNC mills/lathes
library to read dwg & read/write dxf files
A package for Isogeometric Analysis in Octave and Matlab
NURBS-based elastic and limit analysis of masonry arches in MATLAB