Extensible Line-drawing & Polygon-filling Rasterization Libs for Java
2D CAD software
Drag n Drop Fintech Platform
converts between IGES file and text file
cppcam is a 3D CAD app for drafting G-Code toolpaths for CNC Routers
CAD Application entire developed in Python
A canvas library for generating technical drawings
Free CAD software
Open Source Planar Linkage Mechanism Simulation and Synthesis Software
conducteö - logiciel de calcul des ponts thermiques linéiques
OpenNum lets you distribute solvers with a nice graphical interface
Geometric kernel for CAD programs using an atomic approach
Free cad viewer for 3d drawings in different formats
Free 3D Mobile CAD
Dedicated to computer-aided engineering Linux distribution
2D CAD especially designed to draw steam locomotives
Open-Source Shoemaking
Application Integration for HPC Multiphysics
A set ot tools for surveyors addon to many CAD environments
Simple CAD program
Precise gear geometry generator for spur and helical gears