DXF2GCODE: converting 2D dxf drawings to CNC machine compatible G-Code
Free and open source pattern design software
LibrePLM integrates CAD editors in Odoo / LibrERP
Simple Road Design and Earthworks
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
A Windows-based viewer currently supporting CDR & 2D DXF files
Solve Alignment of Road , Rail,Tunnel
Extensible Line-drawing & Polygon-filling Rasterization Libs for Java
A canvas library for generating technical drawings
Demonstrates a quadtree for spatial indexing of triangles
Free cad viewer for 3d drawings in different formats
Precise gear geometry generator for spur and helical gears
COPanno optimizes the panels cuts.
Open DXFs with QCad
Visual comparison tool for difference in image and CAD files.
An Open source Analysis and SImulation Toolbox for Fuel Cells
2.5D CAD CAM emphasis on CAM and toolpaths
CNC machine code generation for 3D models
Software to analyse 3D and 2D framed structures, also gives matrices
Autorun enabler for Autodesk Inventor VBA projects
Simple CAD program