CLICKER, auto mouse clicker and keyboard writer. Remote mouse and keys
Overtake top speed cars to finish the race on 1st place!
Powershell Commandlets for SAS (R)
Incremtal backup tool supporting removable storage devices
An open-source in-memory database integrated with Publish-Subscribe
Uniform Database Abstraction for PHP Development
ASTRO é uma plataforma para que tem a capacidade de criar jogos 2D.
Desprotetor para links com navegador embutido.
Um bloco de notas especial
Debugging tools for application-to-application communication.
easy installer
Trixie - Tricks for IE
Board game
Lightweight Linux distro for penetration testing
BotDan é uma plataforma de apoio ao desenvolvimento de chatterbots.
Converts image files from one format to another format
Processes, decodes, displays, records and replays EUROCONTROL ASTERIX
Only posting twitter windows desktop application.