Fast inference engine for Transformer models
Deep Learning API and Server in C++14 support for Caffe, PyTorch
A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler
MNN is a blazing fast, lightweight deep learning framework
General purpose GPU compute framework built on Vulkan
GPU DataFrame Library
A GPU-accelerated library containing highly optimized building blocks
A toy physically based GPU path tracer (C++/OpenGL/GLSL)
Variational Quantum Circuit Simulator for Quantum Computation Research
A language for fast, portable data-parallel computation
C++ image processing and machine learning library with using of SIMD
The Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning
Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN)
Serving system for machine learning models
Real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR
The deep learning toolkit for speech-to-text
3D Without Boundaries
Graphical UNIX file manager
Implements a reference architecture for creating information systems
VoIP SIP and SKINNY quality analyzer and packet / audio recording tool
Photo/Video/GIF enlargement using machine learning
C64/Amiga emulator with shader and runAhead
GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt