Smart Resume Creator and Job Application Organizer
Grabs text of QR code from a screen and copies it to clipboard
Create, review and administer norwegian invoices.
Qt Visual Graph Editor
QFutureBuilder is for set/ track long time goals.
Planning calendar for holy services
manage assortment in your company
Complete solution for HDR photography
My own project
Real-time interactive 3D graphics API for scientific simulations
Portable bundle for Windows
Interactive visualization of plate tectonics.
A simple molecular weight calculator
Web based python-flask Queue management system
Tao3D is a programming language for real-time interactive 3D
Tool to link different trading platforms for U.S. stock market
Program for solar cell production data analysis
Program of personnel office-work.
Report generator for Qt Framework
Your application log analysis tool.
Todo task manager with simple, fast and intuitive user interface