Showing 302 open source projects for "file::rsyncp"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    Pyside QtRPT

    Pyside QtRPT Python Binding for QtRPT (PySide Shiboken) QtRPT Report Engine Python Report License LGPL3 compatible with QtRPT (see license) """QtRPT is the easy-to-use print report engine written in C++ QtToolkit. It allows combining several reports in one XML file. For separately taken field, you can specify some condition depending on which this field will display in different font and background color, etc. The project consists of two parts: report library QtRPT and report...
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  • 2
    PDF Merge and Edit

    PDF Merge and Edit

    Python script to merge and edit sensitive PDF files

    Python script to merge and edit sensitive PDF files you don't want to upload to random sites you find on Google. Merge PDFs by adding one to another. Update a single page in a PDF (good for adding a signed page to a form) Insert a page into an existing PDF. Delete a page. Click on one of the buttons and a new window will pop up depending on the function. Pick your files and enter in the data. If there are no problems, a confirmation will pop up.
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  • 3


    A one-page investment portfolio report

    ManagerSheet is a one-page investment portfolio report, that analyses and presents an investment portfolio with respect to: - Performance - Investment style - Risk More information on the report concept and instructions on how to create one's own portfolio reports can be found at the ManagerSheet Web Site under the "Documentation" section. Please note that the project is in alpha stage.
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  • 4
    Bots open source edi translator

    Bots open source edi translator

    Bots is a complete translator for edi: edifact, x12, xml, tradacoms

    Bots is a complete translator for edi (Electronic Data Interchange). EDI data formats eg: edifact, x12, tradacoms, xml. Mail: Web-site: Wiki: Develop:
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    (py) Faktury VAT

    (py) Faktury VAT

    Program do tworzenia faktur VAT

    Program do tworzenia faktur VAT. Działa w systemie Linux i Windows, program został napisany w pythonie, korzysta z biblioteki GTK+
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  • 6


    Python spreadsheet application

    ...) + wxPython (>=, Unicode version required) + matplotlib (>=1.1.1) + pycairo (>=1.8.8) Optional dependencies + python-gnupg (>=0.3.0, for opening own files without approval) + xlrd (>=0.9.2, for loading Excel® files) + xlwt (>=0.9.2, for saving Excel files, pyspread >=v0.3.0 required) + jedi (>=0.8.0, for tab completion and context help in the entry line, pyspread >=v0.3.0 required) + basemap (>=1.0.7, for the weather example pys file)
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  • 7


    Informacja o polskich bankach na podstawie numeru konta IBAN

    Project contains functions that allow displaying information about a Polish bank based on the IBAN number. Projekt zawiera funkcje pozwalające wyświetlić informacje o banku na podstawie numeru IBAN konta bankowego. Wyświetlane są nazwa banku, dane adresowe, telefon, strona www, nazwa i adres jednostki organizacyjnej, numer jednostki nadrzędnej. Uwaga ! Chwilowo nie działa aktualizacja bazy danych banków z NBP.
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  • 8


    Text based timing diagram generator

    This tool generates timing diagrams for documenting hardware design. It reads the description from a text file with a simple syntax. It generates vector graphic (EPS, SVG or EMF format). It can be used in command line mode or with a GUI. It is written in Python and works on any platform.
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  • 9


    Easy and fast file organisation and management in a few mouse clicks

    Sorter makes file organisation and management easier by helping you organise several files that contain similar characteristics into a single folder, with a few clicks. You can put all letters documents into one folder, all images with the word home into another, all music by one artist in yet another folder, etc. Sorter organises these files into folders which are grouped according to one or more of the following patterns: a common word in the file names, the file type/format, a custom...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10


    Standards Document Redaction System

    The best process for creating standards is that of the IETF’s RFCs. Standard documents are written, submitted for publication, reviewed, and finally approved. Then they get a official number and hence can be referenced. Some can even be blessed to be an official standard. Etalon will implement this whole process, web-based and with markdown documents. Create your company’s standards the RFC way!
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  • 11


    Cryptographic Hashing Application for Excel Files

    iTelliHashExcel is a cryptographic “one-way” hashing application designed to securely protect sensitive or private information from disclosure. Proper use of this program allows organizations, businesses, and individuals (i.e., the data owners) to share complete/intact datasets containing sensitive data with others without actually disclosing the sensitive or private information. Additionally, if such datasets are subsequently modified or enhanced through value-added services or products...
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  • 12


    RDF-based framework monitoring business systems activity

    A Python agent and a web interface aiming to help the analysis and investigation of a legacy application. A set of machines, processes, databases, programs etc ... all communicating with each other, manipulating your data, and whose software architecture has become, with time, complicated, difficult to understand, and undocumented. Data are aggregated with an RDF inference engine, creating a global vision of the business information processing.
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  • 13
    Kalibro for Calibration & Maintenance

    Kalibro for Calibration & Maintenance

    Calibration Control and Maintenance Management

    Kalibro is an open source free software to manage devices and tools for calibration and maintenance records. It helps you to keep inventory and reminds you the scheduled dates. Kalibro also helps you to satisfy the requirements of the Quality Management Standards like ISO9001, AS9100 and TS16949. Manufacturing, Quality and IT departments of small/medium sized companies are targeted to use Kalibro. You do not need to use spread sheet files to save your critical calibration records. See the...
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  • 14


    automatic indexing for large LaTex documents

    Indexmeister reads a variety of formats (.tex, .docx, .epub, and others) and suggests keywords for indexing. The included program Imbrowse provides a semi-automatic interface to rapidly add index tags to multi-file latex documents.
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  • 15
    this inventory is developed using python3.2 tkinter, and sqlite3. you can make invoices for a shop using this software. you need python3.2 to run this. no more modules are required since tkinter and sqlite3 were in python3.2 windows package.
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  • 16


    Column merge base on key value

    Dedicated to help teachers (university, school) in combining the grades through out the semester, where grades are on separated files, each file has a column of student ID or student name and the grade itself. A target file will be specified so all grades of all quizes & labs will be filled into it, those quizes & labs are on different files. Automatically it will merge the sub grades from their files into the target file. In 3 step it will do the job of 3 hours (when done manually) !
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  • 17


    Outliner and time organizer for todo lists, events or scheduling tasks

    Outspline is a free and open-source modular outliner whose functionality can be extended with addons. The most important addon is Organism, which adds advanced time management features and turns the application into a personal organizer, perfectly suited for working with todo lists, scheduling tasks and reminding events.
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  • 18

    ELINT Alchemist

    Plot, analyse and measure ELINT Time-Based data.

    This program will open an ELINT Time-Based Data (TBD) file and plot it for purposes of measurement and analysis. Test files included. New ver 0.4 added 2018-01-01.
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  • 19


    Portable Odoo (formerly OpenERP) for windows and linux x64

    Portable Odoo (formerly OpenERP) Portable Odoo (formerly OpenERP) for windows and linux x64. Usage Extract the zip file and run start.bat( for windows) or (for linux) file. Open Brower and visit Soure Repository Author: wangbuke <>
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  • 20
    i-Map - Plot Geolocation from Images

    i-Map - Plot Geolocation from Images

    Automatically plots latitude, longitude from images on Google maps.

    ... Record) Details. To generate a report, you can export this data into PDF or Excel file according to your requirements.
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  • 21
    JAVT - Just Another Voice Transformer

    JAVT - Just Another Voice Transformer

    Just Another Speech Recognition and Text to Speech software.

    JAVT or Just Another Voice Transformer (formerly, it is called Just Another Video Transcriber) is a Speech Recognition software that also support text to Speech and simple media conversion. JAVT allows you to convert from video files to audio wav file using ffmpeg, and then transcribe the audio file to text using either Microsoft SAPI or CMU Sphinx. You can also open a text file and allow JAVT to read it out for you through text to speech conversion.
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  • 22
    DSTK - DataScience ToolKit

    DSTK - DataScience ToolKit

    DSTK - DataScience ToolKit for All of Us

    DSTK - DataScience ToolKit is an opensource free software for statistical analysis, data visualization, text analysis, and predictive analytics. Newer version and smaller file size can be found at: It is designed to be straight forward and easy to use, and familar to SPSS user. While JASP offers more statistical features, DSTK tends to be a broad solution workbench, including text analysis and predictive analytics features. Of course you may specify...
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  • 23
    Matplotlib is a python library for making publication quality plots using a syntax familiar to MATLAB users. Matplotlib uses numpy for numerics. Output formats include PDF, Postscript, SVG, and PNG, as well as screen display. As of matplotlib version 1.5, we are no longer making file releases available on SourceForge. Please visit for help obtaining matplotlib.
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  • 24


    X-ray Strain Orientation Calculation Software

    ... in the following link: You can find on youtube video tutorials explaining the main steps to follow for a standard KMAP data analysis. In the folder XSOCS_tutorials_data of the Files tab, you can download the dataset used in the tutorials. Make sure to read the readme file.
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    Cygwin Ports

    Cygwin Ports

    Repository of desktops and programs for the Cygwin platform

    A large repository of open-source programs built for Cygwin, including X11 desktops, language interpreters, multimedia frameworks, cross-compiler toolchains, and much more. Also hosted here is the cygport tool for building Cygwin packages. cygport releases and the Ports Git repositories are hosted here; Ports packages are available from the website.
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