Accounting system for smaller companies written in GnuCobol.
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PlateEditor, a free web application to work with multi-well plates
Interactive landscape rendering based on a virtual globe.
Premium Markets is an automated financial technical analysis system.
3D slider puzzles for kids; helps teach solid geometry
Patient Management System
Bundle Adjustment Graph Visualisation
Programma per il calcolo delle plusvalenze Cripto + analisi CSV CDC
Fast Autonomous Unsupervised Multidimiensional Classification
A simple tool for the visualisation of coarse-grained systems
Do calculations, annotate it like you would on a paper "qwikly".
(Q)SAR Model Reporting Format Inventory
Tool for PIM, mind-mapping, quality-management, knowledge-base.
AGENCY is a Free Software Data System by and for Nonprofits and others
Webbased modeling tool
ETL engine based on Groovy
Programmable graphical scientific calculator