47 programs for "engine 3d 4k" with 2 filters applied:

  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1
    The GEM 3D engine is a portable, free, open source, easy to use, software development kit which allows you to build high performance 3D graphics applications such as games.
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  • 2
    CMDBuild -Platform for  Asset Management

    CMDBuild -Platform for Asset Management

    Environment for configuring customized applications Asset Management

    CMDBuild is the open source web environment for the configuration of custom applications for the Asset Management. With CMDBuild you can build and extend your own CMDB, modeling it according to the needs of your Organization. You can configure workflows, reports, dashboards, schedule operations and checks, manage documents, georeference your asset in maps or view them in 3D models. You can also interoperate with external solutions through webservices. Or you can choose one...
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  • 3


    A real-time 3D Engine written in Ada

    GLOBE_3D: GL Object Based Engine for 3D. GLOBE_3D is a free, open-source, real-time 3D Engine written in Ada, based on OpenGL. Up-to-date GL bindings - portal rendering - binary space partition - object I/O - tools for importing - and more... More information on... http://globe3d.sf.net Alire crate: https://alire.ada.dev/crates/globe_3d Mirror: https://github.com/zertovitch/globe-3d/
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  • 4


    Tao3D is a programming language for real-time interactive 3D

    Tao3D is a programming language for real-time interactive 3D. It lets you easily create dynamic, interactive, data-rich presentations, small applications, user interface concepts, and more.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    3D urban environment renderer : browser-app ; as well as a GTA clone

    Have You ever wondered what would be like the weirdest Grand Theft Auto clone ever made? Well, we are pretty close with the FalansterCity3D urban environment rendering-engine where You can also drive the cars in the city. And moreover, it's a browser-game, so it runs instantly in any internet-browser. Why not try it directly at the link below? http://nerdofalgorithms.altervista.org/secondary_pages/page_11.php Even on smarthones or whatever, as long as it has a browser and sufficient CPU...
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  • 6
    New Terrain and 3D Map System

    New Terrain and 3D Map System

    a very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering sys

    A very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering system. Minimal dependencies: OpenGL, SDL. It's distrib in 2-3 separate modules: 1. the C++ implementation of the terrain- and/or surface- rendering Algorithms I have developed: both a multithread and a non-multithread variant is relaeased. 2. Seme as at point 1. , but with a road-network rendering and collision-detection module I wrote before. It also adds some trees at the top of the terrain. (multitread vesion...
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  • 7

    Happy Cube Solver

    Design and Display Happy Cube solutions

    The Happy Cube Solver is an interactive interface for designing and building cubes and other designs from the Happy Cube 3D puzzles. It integrates a graphic engine for creating and viewing designs and a simple engine for solving them. Online version: http://shooshx.github.io/happysolver/emscripten/index.html Maintainance of this project moved to: https://github.com/shooshx/happysolver This program is indented to support you while playing live with the Happy Cube©® Puzzles...
    Downloads: 3 This Week
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  • 8
    FlightCraft3D: The Return

    FlightCraft3D: The Return

    extreme 3D flight simulator with advanced terrain rendering

    A rough, 3D extreme flight simulator in which there's a large terrain on which one can land: as the terrain-rendering is advanced and thus terrain is large, detailed and well visible, one can do wild flights in valleys, one can experiment with landing in any casual point of a wild, colorful area including mountous, hilly and flatty areas as well. The flightmodel is primitive here, but acceptable. I will try to do a second release in which the JSBSim module will be used to provide a more...
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  • 9
    CPS Wildfire Management Tool

    CPS Wildfire Management Tool

    A wildfire decision support system and visualization tool from Emxsys.

    The Wildfire Management Tool (WMT) predicts the potential fire behavior of a wildland fire. WMT incorporates a 3D terrain viewer, the tenets of the Campbell Prediction System (CPS) and the Rothermel fire spread equations to depict fire behavior. WMT is used to adjust tactics & strategies to ensure the safety of firefighters and the effective use of firefighting resources. Requires Java 8 (included) - http://www.java.com/download
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 10


    gMol molecular graphics

    We've moved to https://github.com/tjod/gMol/wiki gMol is an interactive visualization system used to display and manipulate 3-dimensional models of scientific data, such as molecular structures and surfaces. It contains both OpenGL and web browser widgets that enable flexible user interfaces.
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  • 11
    An extensible, real-time, 3D visualization, simulation, and game-design authoring tool. Integrates Java 3D and Eclipse RCP. Drag-&-Drop editing of a complex 3D scene graph. Fast world-building. Web delivery via Webstart or Applets.
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  • 12
    Noble Ape Simulation
    Simulates a biologically diverse tropical island, and the ape inhabitants cognitive processes. For MacOS X, iPad, Windows and Linux. Features a non-polygonal graphics engine and a command-line version
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  • 13


    an interactive 3D viewing program

    Geomview is an interactive 3D viewing program for Unix. Geomview lets you view and manipulate three- and higher-dimensional objects, and can also be used as a display engine by other programs to animate objects. Geomview supports OpenGL and uses a Motif X interface.
    Downloads: 23 This Week
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  • 14
    A 3D engine written in Java aimed at students of computer science. This engine makes it very easy to visualize objects and create 3D applications.
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    Axiom 3D Engine
    Open-source, cross-platform 3D rendering engine for .NET and Mono. The Axiom Engine is a high-performance C# port of the powerful OGRE engine and provides full support for DirectX, OpenGL and XNA on Windows, Linux, Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.
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    Pear3DEngine is a modern and modular 3D development framework

    Pear3DEngine is a modern and modular 3D development framework that lets you create professional games, simulations and more. You are free to develop your program in C + +, XML or LUA and publish it as open source software or selling it as a commercial program. The rendering engine uses internally OpenGL or DirectX optionally. The planned editor supports software development on Linux, Windows and maybe MacOS X. DirectX 9 and therefore Windows XP are currently not supported and support...
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  • 17
    K-3D is the free (as in freedom) 3d modeling, animation, and rendering system.
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  • 18
    This project aims to provide a set of libraries for various common graphics programming tasks. These libraries can be used together, to perform the tasks of a typical monolithic 3D engine. Or separately, to cover specific needs of any graphics program.
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    Voxel Terrain Engine

    This project has moved to http://www.volumesoffun.com

    This project is no longer hosted on SourceForge. Both PolyVox and Thermite3D are now hosted on Gitorious, but the Thermite3D project is no longer activly developed. You should focus only on using PolyVox. New website: http://www.volumesoffun.com
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  • 20
    A Java library that works with Java3D to simulate and visualize, in real-time, dynamics of multiple rigid bodies that are restricted by implicit and explicit constraints (e.g., robotics); designed for efficiency, ease-of-use, and extensibility.
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  • 21
    Pure Java implementation of an interactive 3d graph rendering engine and editor using a spring embedder algorithm. Nice looking sterile real time 3d environment. Feel free to extend our project and build something awesome, just let us know please :D
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  • 22
    This open-source project aims at creation of a OpenGL 3D stereoscopic algorithms folded as plug-ins into popular 3D modeling and game engine tools, such as Maya, Blender, OGRE, and others.
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  • 23
    Vegetation3D is a library for realistic visualization of vegetation. Every phase of this process, such as plant topology generation (L-System) or mesh generation may be controlled and used separately.
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    The ATLAS Multimedia Educational Lab for Interactive Analysis (AMELIA) is an educational tool for High-Energy physics featuring the ATLAS detector at CERN. Using the Irrlicht engine AMELIA integrates event analysis and contextual media in a 3D interface.
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    This library uses OpenCV to perform head tracking and feature tracking to let you have 3d control over your developed 3d world with the aid of your head and a webcam. Uses Irrlicht as its rapid development 3d engine. Developed by www.nighsoft.com
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