The fastest way to build data apps in Python
A cross-platform, portable, linkable Git implementation library
Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites
High-performance build system for JavaScript & TypeScript Codebases
Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions
An open-source framework for building serverless applications
A .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library for policies
Rapid applications development tool and libraries for FPC
Toolkit for allowing inference and serving with MXNet in SageMaker
Tool support for the Z formal notation
Manager for the Android SDK, wraps 'sdkmanager' and 'avdmanager'.
Lightweight Android development tool. Wraps Ant, 'android' and 'adb'.
bash-based tools to manage software project development.
Cobol Cross reference tool for GnuCobol written in Cobol
Override create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting
Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier
Build cross platform HTML desktop apps on .NET