Tool build android apk-package
Software development for 4Mb portable, using Z80 CPU and AA batteries
Tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations
A header-only C++ library for accessing files in ELF binary format
Lightweight Android development tool. Wraps Ant, 'android' and 'adb'.
Cross-platform IDE for developing embedded solutions and desktops
Low Code Platform for Enterprises
Create basic GUI windows for minimal Linux distros
Hub for some ant projects
bash-based tools to manage software project development.
Helpful tools to extend the NWN Toolset
Debian 12 OnlyShell tty0 Libera Edition i386 K3
A utility for creating Debian packages (.deb)
Personal SlackBuild Template
A Common Lisp nuweb (Re)Implementation
A SUpport MOdule manager for EPICS
ad-hoc tool set for developers
Java byte code compatibility analyser