Transmission bittorrent with p2p streaming. Fast, stable, feature rich
Composable GAN framework with api and user interface
The sources and builds history of FDMNES project
Test & requirements management
Multidocument automation by templates - for sphinx, mkdocs, epydoc ...
Provides Java and integrated Jython/Pyhon + Java builds
Samples builds using the Gradle Kotlin DSL
"Scriba eBook Maker" is an "ebook maker"
Light-weight C++ library for embedding Python into C++
A robocode championship manager made using JavaFx
Visual Studio .vc[x]proj to CMakeLists.txt (make, Ninja ...) enabler
GNU make compatible but reliable and simpler build tool
Open-source cross-platform spectrometer device driver
Open Source SIEM
Compare two NetCDF files in-place.
Lays out dependencies (links) between Excel files in a visual graph
This program allows embedding books in fb2 format in one, super-book.
Motif with new non-virtual panner (motif 2.0-2.2)
An example project to demonstrate continuous integration, in HTML5..
Motif with new non-virtual panner (motif 2.0-2.2)