Advanced numerical instruments: adaptive meshing, FE methods, solvers
A processing system for 3D triangular meshes
Graphical Interface for Medical Image Analysis and Simulation
Python script (addon) for Blender to skin point cloud (verts to face).
evolution for vegastrike SpaceSim/Combat/Trade game
Easy creation of normal maps
A traditional top-down OpenGL car racing game
Experimental surface editor prototype
Mesh and point cloud processing tools
Open source 3D Matlab Isogeometric Analysis Code
Multimedia asset management and manipulator for Étoilé
Matlab code to visualise brain graphs from connectivity matrices
Graph algorithms interpreter, IDE, debugger, 3D visualizations.
A world editor for HGE game engine written in python and uses OpenGL.
Minecraft private Skin Center
Geospatial Web 3D Globe Project(To consider S.Korea market)