Java Schach Turnierverwaltung / Java Chess Tournament Management
Scripts and tools for Windows.
Chess Database and Toolkit program
Chess Database and PGN viewer
Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
A GNU/Linux operating system accessible for visually impaired.
javascript chess games viewer for websites, blogs and live broadcasts
Delphi Java - VRCalc++ OOSL (Script) and + (Binary Exec Distro)
Chess training program playing gambits
Tool for chess teachers to create PDF files with chess diagrams in it
VR Adrix Java Works - Paged Lists - Action-Entity Model ...
Blind Chess using Taiwan rule
Solve Go problems (based on GoGrinder )
An environment to develop games based on a rectangular board
A JavaScript game library to quickly develop board games for the web
Extensive Java chess database libraries.
Simple OpenSource scoreboard
py 2048, a well know 2048 clone board game
Compact/ Chess Interchange Format
Snakes and Ladders implementation of the famous board game.
manage chess game data in joomla
Two projects in one so far: to learn foreign words and read books