A ZXMMC mass storage device FID driver for CP/M
Real-Time Embedded Operating System
The best library to work with .Net Assemblies in C/C++.
FM synthesis file player
Game backup loader for Wii and vWii
A casualty evacuation game for the Sega Master System
Sega system-16 emulator
A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture
An alternate repository for NitrOS-9 geared specificly for the Coco 3
Your language to speak with all.
A merge of the original Visual Boy Advance forks
A trainer (hacks!) for the game Little Fighter 2.
Age Of Empires Revisited is a project to improve the original game.
Librería para generación de señales de VGA con Arduino estándar
Visualg versão (última de revisão 23/01/2016)
Secure Striker Manager
A remote symetric antenna tuner using switched relays.