An USB programmer for PIC, dsPIC, AVR, serial memories
Linux Studio Plugins Project
Disk partitioning and data management for x86-compatible systems
A wine and qemu GUI runner to help you install and use easily.
Serial Bootloader for Microchip, Atmel, NXP, TI, 8051 microcontrolers
C-BIOS is an open source BIOS for MSX computers.
Universal server
A tutorial on cross compiling for the 6502 CPU
Hardware-optimized Arduino library
Arduino Focuser, fully ASCOM complaint
C compiler and dev kit for the z80 with assembly language libraries.
Software development for 4Mb portable, using Z80 CPU and AA batteries
Convert PSID and RSID files into C64 executables
A multi-threading framework using a prime sieve to do work
an ethernet-based file system for DOS
Releases of McuOnEclipse projects