Various utilities for Configuration Manager, Windows and Telephony
Medical record management of clinic (EMR or EHR) and patient file.
asp dot net cms for users wanting a simple mvc cms framework
dot net core cms for users wanting a simple mvc core 8 cms framework
asp dot net cms for users wanting a simple webforms cms framework
A simple, procedural programming language.
A software for multilanguage and multicurrency web catalog of products
Usercontrol ASP WYSIYG Editor
Efficient MP3 File Organizer
PDFsharp is a .NET library for creating and modifying PDF documents.
OR-Mapper for C# and VB.NET that is better than Entity Framework
shopping cart software easy to install and easy to use.
A product catalogue with forms to request info. onestepinstallation.
DotNet Code Helpers Library
Edit the OCR text layer of DjVu documents in a web browser
CRUD framework with a generic Web UI and integrated micro ORM.
Secure, Browser-Agnostic ASP.NET PDF Viewer with DRM Features
Web file manager
Online Examination System [Multiple Choice]
Spell Checker, Hypehnation and Thesaurus for .NET
Worlds leading motion detection, recording and alerting software
Open software persistence model
a simple WPF player