Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers
C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM library
Library for QtQuick apps with Material Design
How to port a Qt5 QtWidgets app to Qt6_QML with a Qt QML C++ project
Generate Harmonious Colors Freely.
inputbox password WIN OSX GTK QT Console VCPKG C# Lua R Fortran Pascal
Elegant cross-platform proxy GUI client that supports Shadowsocks
A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display
It is a Platform to connect to tryton (json-rpc) and is based on qt
Shadow mapping in Qt3D using C++
Music player with library for Linux (including Android) and Windows
Remote controller for Starvax Player
API for ReverseDE
File Manager written in Qt/QML
Enables Qt based applications to draw the contents of EMF files.
Photo editing tool for Symbian (especially Pureview 808)
The most comprehensive library of Javascript i18n classes available
Gadgets on the desktop.
Place your company logo on a graphic easily
Local multiplayer chess game in QT + QML
Web Plugin powered by Firebreath/Qt Qml/Vlc
Development has moved to github
Development has moved to github
simple 3d scene viewer for windows/linux/android
Cross-platform application for digital painting