The FRRouting Protocol Suite
Graphical explorer for BACnet and Free BACnet library in C#
A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor
Quantum software platform that is optimized across the quantum stack
The JavaScript Implementation of libp2p networking stack
Build and deploy machine learning microservices
IPFS implementation in JavaScript
Reliable, open-source crash reporting for iOS, macOS and tvOS
Low-code platform to help developers build AI solutions
TreeFrog Framework, High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Applications
Graph Node indexes data from blockchains such as Ethereum
Decentralized stack for paranoids-decentralizers
Graphical explorer, browser for EtherNet/IP™ network
Fast & stable Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 development stack for Windows
IEC 104 RTU Server Client Simulator Source Code Library Win Linux
PTP IEEE 1588 stack for Linux
IEC 104 Source code Library for Linux c c++ posix arm
DNP3 Protocol Source code Library Outstation and client Win Linux
DNP3 Protocol Source code Library for Linux x86 x64 ARM PowerPC
DNP3 Outstation and client simulator, Source code Library, win, Linux
IEC 101 Embedded Linux ARM, POSIX x86 x86-64 - c, c++ programming
Linux namespaces sandbox program
IEC 60870-5-101 Source code Library Stack - Windows c, c++, c# .net
BACnet stack for Rabbit 4000/5000/6000