Mubuntu Is a remix of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS featuring MATE instead of Unity
DMX Software,Lichtsteuerung,Moving Light,LED,ArtNet DMX,
My Updated Unity Dark 12.04.3
Linux OS from ubuntu, customisable for everyone, social and media
So.Di.Linux Software Didattico per Linux.
MeNotu for Computer-Aided Engineering and Scientific Computing
Linux Distro codenamed Dark Penguin, Bit as in Bitcoin or Vampire Bite
Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS ISO with Lyx, Texlive installed and configured
Linux K-demy
Custom Ubuntu Live-cd for sound recording.
A customized, updated Linux ditribution based on Ubuntu 12.04.
Formosa GNU/Linux based on Ubuntu
Debian unstable for the end user, live CD, easy install.
One of the worst possible derivatives of Ubuntu for GUI lovers.
Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS ISO file with OpenCV 2.4.2
Modern, easy to use distro based on Ubuntu.
smthplayer is a cross-platform player for the smooth streaming format
Ubuntu-based operating system - media ready, ready to serve
An ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution focusing on usability and deskt