Sample project for implementing OIDC server with a web application
General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters
A cross platform high-performance graphics system
Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps
Fast golang HTML sanitizer (inspired by the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer
Loads environment variables automatically
Automate your WordPress development workflow
A fast and robust web server and application server for Ruby
Fortio load testing library, command line tool, advanced echo server
A Minecraft mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft
Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients
Sempare Template (scripting) Engine for Delphi
Web app and framework offering modular conversion and encoding
Web-based SQL editor run in your own private cloud
Realtime Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R
Apollo Client browser developer tools
A sysadmin login session in a web browser
Convert Python notebook to web app and share with non-technical users
Media server for comics/mangas/BDs/magazines/eBooks with API and OPDS
Hawtio web console helps you manage your JVM stuff and stay cool
The web framework for content-driven websites
JavaScript Survey and Form Library
PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel
The Tiny JavaScript Game Engine That Can!
An abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in