Zettel allows taking notes from several references and organizing them
StudieCompact vat al jouw studiewijzers samen in één overzicht
Gestor Certificats Digitals
Python tool for section property evaluation and stress calculation
App to easily query, script, and visualize data from every database
Pyicon Is an Python ide Made for experts and beginners.
Editeur de texte pour les enfants
Édition automatisée de conventions de stage.
Installable / Portable Python Distribution for Everyone.
OpenPRED-Perú es una implementación de OpenPRED para Perú
Lightweight and small portable Python, build with pyinstaller
A assistente virtual do sexo
Herramienta para crear modelos relacionales con PostgreSQL
IDLE Extensions
Muestras de serokit
A Docking Wrapper to Enhance De Novo Molecular Design
Python 3 Pandas Extension with 130+ Indicators
All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning
A toolkit for managing and manipulating text annotations