Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications
Perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM
A php based DOM parser.
A package containing a few micro-interactions you can use
Development toolkit for Web Services and XML data bindings for C & C++
jQuery plugin for displaying JSON data
Java GUI-Less browser, supporting JavaScript, to run against web pages
Flexbox for react-three-fiber
Simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji for all platforms
Autoplot is an interactive browser for data on the web
A mobile devtools for debugging web sites and web apps
A free 3d game for PC that does not limit the player. Fight,Build,Gain
A free 3D game engine to create games and realtimes scenes for Windows
myqr, myquery
Simple, lightweight XML parser in C, statically or dynamically linked.
C++ wrapper for GNOME libxml2/libxslt
A minimal wxWidgets wrapper for VR capable UI based on GLUI.
Array Data Processing Application
Array Data Processing Application
Array Data Processing Application
Reporting/publishing software written in the Java language
JCS - JUL Comment System
JavaScript framework to build game engines, games, emulators and apps