Showing 417 open source projects for "plots"

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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • JobNimbus Construction Software Icon
    JobNimbus Construction Software

    For Roofers, Remodelers, Contractors, Home Service Industry

    Track leads, jobs, and tasks from one easy to use software. You can access your information wherever you are, get everyone on the same page, and grow your business.
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  • 1


    Solves symbolic electrical AC circuit equations

    In electrical engineering, AC circuits are often used in the design process. However, deriving the gain, input impedance or what have you is tedious and error prone. LaSolv takes a SPICE like description of your circuit and solves for whatever parameter you specify- voltage gain, trans-impedance, input impedance, etc.
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  • 2
    GrainSizeTools script

    GrainSizeTools script

    A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections

    Homepage & docs: GrainSizeTools is a free, open-source, cross-platform script written in Python that provides several tools for (1) estimating average grain size in polycrystalline materials, (2) characterizing the nature of the distribution of grain sizes (either from apparent distributions or approximating 3D grain size distributions via stereology), and estimating differential stress via paleopizometers. The script requires as the input the...
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  • 3


    Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Mathematica, Farlow

    Cliff* Notes, Mathematica Evaluatable "Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers", Farlow "Physics for Scientists and Engineers", Serway "A First Course in Complex Analysis", Beck "PDE", Asmar "PDE, An Introduction", Colton "Elementary Differential Equations", 7th, Rainville "Ordinary Differential Equations", Tenenbaum "Linear Algebra And It's Applications", Lay "Swokowski Calculus", 5th, Swokowski "Chemistry Concepts & Problems, A Self-Teaching Guide",...
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  • 4
    JAGPI - Just Another GnuPlot Interface allows you to create graphs without any codes. While gnuplot, created from Gnu, is a tool to create plots and graphs, GnuPlot lacks a GUI to click and plot. Wouldn't it be nice to have GUI for GnuPlot? JAGPI is a GUI for GnuPlot. Referencing to jpg - a GUI for GnuPlot in Java, JAGPI is developed in C# and is more simple to use. Using GnuPlot.exe, you need to learn some codings or programming to create graphs. Using JAGPI, you do not need to learn any...
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  • The Secure Workspace for Remote Work Icon
    The Secure Workspace for Remote Work

    Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.

    Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.
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  • 5


    Make Coefficient plots using Forestplot in Python

    A Python package to make publication-ready but customizable forest plots (coefplots). This package makes publication-ready forest plots easy to make out-of-the-box. Users provide a dataframe (e.g. from a spreadsheet) where rows correspond to a variable/study with columns including estimates, variable labels, and lower and upper confidence interval limits. Additional options allow easy addition of columns in the dataframe as annotations in the plot.
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  • 6


    A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights

    HyperTools is a library for visualizing and manipulating high-dimensional data in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib (for plotting), seaborn (for plot styling), and scikit-learn (for data manipulation). Functions for plotting high-dimensional datasets in 2/3D. Static and animated plots. Simple API for customizing plot styles. Set of powerful data manipulation tools including hyperalignment, k-means clustering, normalizing and more. Support for lists of Numpy arrays, Pandas dataframes...
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  • 7


    Simple Gnuplot automation and plot conversion tool.

    Autoplot is a simple Perl script to plot Gnuplot files with simple dependency checking and conversion of the plots to different formats using rsvg-convert. The Gnuplot scripts must plot to a SVG terminal and output the result to STDOUT for the script to work as intended. The script reads all .gnuplot files in the working directory and creates SVG plots from them in svg subdirectory. SVG plots can be converted to PDF and PNG format, while the resulting files are placed in pdf and png...
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  • 8
    Gwave is a waveform viewer for the output of analog electronic circuit simulators such as spice. It displays the data as 2-D plots, and allows for interactive scrolling, zooming, and measuring of the waveforms.
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  • 9

    Data Window and FIR Design

    Python QT code to design data windows and FIR's

    This Python QT4 Application, was created for those who have the need to design data windows and FIR filters. Designed and implemented by Peter Jones Consulting. Copyright (C) 2022. The Data Window and FIR Filter Design Tool app, has two different types of toolboxes; the Data Window toolbox and the FIR filter toolbox. The Data Window portion of the Design app, may be used for viewing the frequency response of three different data window types, which are...
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  • Manage Properties Better For Free Icon
    Manage Properties Better For Free

    For small to mid-sized landlords and property managers

    Innago is a free and easy-to-use property management solution. Whether you have 1 unit or 1000, student housing, or commercial properties, Innago is built for you. Our software is designed to save you time and money, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter most.
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  • 10


    Analyse output from MCMC codes like SPINspiral and lalinference_mcmc

    analyseMCMC post-processes, analyses and plots output from the LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave inspiral parameter-estimation codes SPINspiral and lalinference_mcmc.
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  • 11


    PlotVISOR is a visual assistant for interpreting contour plots.

    PlotVISOR is a visual assistant for contour plots. By following the instructions (1) to (4) in the program window, users can map the legend of any contour plot and use it to identify values otherwise difficult to interpret. If "???" is displayed instead of a valid result, disable lighting enhancements (within your host software) and/or remap the calibration curve. PlotVISOR has been configured to accommodate mild lighting variation from rendering, but this may affect results by ±1 legend...
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  • 12


    Ultra fast and accurate subtyping tool of viral genomes.

    Viral subtypes or clades represent clusters among isolates from the global population of a defined species. Subtypification is relevant for studies on virus epidemiology, evolution and pathogenesis. In this sense, Covidex was developed as an open source alignment-free machine learning subtyping tool. It is a shiny app that allows fast and accurate classification of viral genomes in pre-defined clusters. If more than 1000 sequences are loaded the tool will run in multithread mode. Capable of...
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  • 13


    MS-Helios: A Circos wrapper to visualize multi-omic datasets

    ... and extensive knowledge of the Perl-based tool, Circos. We present MS-Helios, an easy to use command line tool with multiple built-in data processing functions, allowing non-expert users to construct CPMs or in general terms circular plots with a non-genomic basis. MS-Helios automatically generates data and configuration files to create high quality and publishable circular plots with Circos.
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  • 14


    X-Ray Imaging Software for Multiple Samples

    ATTENTION: Cumulative update 2.5.0 has been released!! The update works for any previous 2.x.x version. If upgrading from version v1.x.x, please download and install v2.0.0 first. IMPORTANT FIXES in respect to base v2.0.0 version: v.2.5.0 introduces the Differential Attenuation and Cube Viewer utilities, and migrates user database to *.json files v2.4.3 fixes a with K element in the fit-approx method v2.4.3 fixes and issue where saving plots with fit-approx or a auto-wizard could freeze...
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  • 15


    Interactive scientific graphing and data analysis software.

    Alpha Plot can generate different types of 2D and 3D plots (such as line, scatter, bar, pie, and surface plots) from data that is either imported from ASCII files, entered by hand, or calculated using formulas. The data is held in spreadsheets which are referred to as tables with column-based data (typically X and Y values for 2D plots) or matrices (for 3D plots). The spreadsheets as well as graphs and note windows are gathered in a project and can be organized using folders. The built...
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  • 16


    Calculate ASTM E1921 master curve and transition temperature.

    T0 Test Evaluation Module (T0TEM) V1.5 calculates the ASTM E1921-19b master curve and T0 temperature for ferritic steels in the ductile-brittle transition region. It creates all required plots for the basic master curve and the inhomogeneity annex. Output is delivered via table or CSV and plots exported as picture files. The program is coded in MATLAB 2021a using App Designer. Use of T0TEM V1.5 is possible without a MATLAB license by utilizing the free MATLAB Runtime Version 9.10...
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  • 17


    Application that generates KDE-PDP plots from geochronological data

    HistogramsApp is a Python 3.6 application that generates (KDE and PDP) from geochronological data .HistogramsApp allows to interactively setup plot parameters such as the bandwidth and the peak detection sensibility. To cite the application please refer to: 1) Rodriguez-Corcho, A. F., Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Barrera-Gonzalez, J. A., Marroquin-Gomez, M. P., Bonilla-Correa, S., Izquierdo-Camacho, D.,...
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  • 18


    pycoQC computes metrics and generates Interactive QC plots

    PycoQC computes metrics and generates interactive QC plots for Oxford Nanopore technologies sequencing data. PycoQC relies on the sequencing_summary.txt file generated by Albacore and Guppy, but if needed it can also generate a summary file from basecalled fast5 files. The package supports 1D and 1D2 runs generated with Minion, Gridion and Promethion devices and basecalled with Albacore 1.2.1+ or Guppy 2.1.3+. PycoQC is written in pure Python3. Python 2 is not supported.
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  • 19


    Program for meta-analysis of large-scale datasets into DNA-repair.

    Welcome to Damage-Net! This page is no longer in use, please go to our very own website from now on! Our websites has all the latest info, downloads and updates.
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  • 20
    Algorithmic Pseudocode

    Algorithmic Pseudocode

    This repository contains the pseudocode(pdf) of various algorithms

    This repository contains the pseudo-code of various algorithms and data structures necessary for Interview Preparation and Competitive Coding. The pseudocodes are written such that they can be easily adapted to any language. Let us remove the clutter of language and focus on the core concepts of the question.
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  • 21
    pgfplots - A TeX package to draw normal and/or logarithmic plots directly in TeX in two and three dimensions with a user-friendly interface and pgfplotstable - a TeX package to round and format numerical tables. Examples in manuals and/or on web site. ATTENTION: As of February 2020, the development has been moved to ! Please refer to the new page for downloads and change requests! This page is kept in read-only mode.
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  • 22
    Sar2html is web based frontend for performance monitoring. It converts sar binary data to graphical format and keep historical data in it's database. Project homepage is here: Supported Operating Systems: HPUX 11.11, 11.23, 11,31 Solaris 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 Redhat 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Suse 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Ubuntu 18, 20 If you have customers facing performance problems on operating systems listed above you may send sar2ascii to collect...
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  • 23


    An Electron.jl based figure and table display.

    This package provides a display for figures, plots and tables. When you load the package, it will push a new display onto the Julia display stack and from then on it will display any value that can be rendered as png, svg, vega, vega-lite or plotly in an electron-based window. This is especially handy when one works on the REPL and wants plots or tables to show up in a nice window.
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  • 24


    FCSalyzer is a free program for analysing flow cytometry data

    FCSalyzer is a free program for analysing flow cytometry data. It is programmed in Java and should therefore work on many different operating systems. FCSalyzer offers an easy What-you-see-is-what-you get interface and provides the standard analysing tools - dot plots, histograms, complex gating strategies and associated statistics. Impressum / Legal Notice Sven Mostböck Wien Austria e-mail: second contact option: use the open discussion...
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  • 25
    OpcCalibrator is software for processing calibration data for optical particle counters (OPCs) using the method described in Currently includes support for reading calibration data for a number of DMT instruments including CDP, CAS and PCASP and can read data from their PADS logging software. Support is also included for University of Manchester's custom logging software. You can The output from this program can then be used in...
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