Simulador de camiones basado en datos geográficos y no geográficos
Embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability
Anti Spam AddIn / Plugin for Outlook
Check your internal and external IPs and MAC Address
IBus-Braille is an input method for GNU/LInux based on Braille
CentOS/OpenSuse/Ubuntu root on ramdisk (/dev/ram0) for RACK cluster
ReViSP, a 3D volume rendering MATLAB tool for multicellular spheroids
ArchMint GNU/Linux Distro
Open Source C & C++ IDE for Windows
Microsoft Integration, Azure, Power Platform, Office 365 and much more
Source code used in the book Programming in C++, Part 1.
Lets Go !!!!!!!! Lineage_OS for r5x
A public account displaying works from SYSU-OpenEdgeAI Club
Preisach type hysteresis models implemented in Matlab.
An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client
Arduino Nano DC Motor Controller
It makes patterns based on Mandelbrot method with keyboard controls.
A frame work for Multi agent system development
Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
Detection of Copy Number Alterations by Single Cell Sequencing
Java implementation of BACnet Secure Connect
It creates hundreds of pictures which are based on the Mandelbrot
Space Grotesk: a proportional variant of the original fixed-width
GNV Provides a Framework for Porting Open Source Software to OpenVMS