Interview questions to drive learning, promoting daily learning
The GVAR Toolbox 1.1 is designed for the purpose of GVAR modelling.
An alternative to neural nets for machine learning.
Utilities for Go structs
C code that finds binaries in the Gaia DR2 data.
Open Source White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation Toolbox
C++ Reflection Library
Parser and GUI libraries for command line programs; Robocopy included
Plays music from Animal Crossing: New Leaf for each hour of the day.
Source for Built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub
UML Modeling Tool for MDD-based Analysis/Design
Software Engineering Full Life Cycle Support Tool
A Terminal theme that mimics the One Dark theme made by the Atom team
Integrated Development Tool
Requirements Management Tool
Software Automation Testing Tool
Personal budgeting software with projections based on past trends.
A treecode-accelerated boundary integral Poisson-Boltzmann solver
Continuous assessment of ccRCC and expression heterogeneity
Open Source Productivity App
3D Contents Moding Tool
Diagnose corporate network issues at the OSX LoginWindow
Application framework for the boost asio library.
"It's what's Not there that matters"