Easy Tools of PDF, Image, File, Network, Data, and Medias
View Sixel images in Windows, and Sixel image repository
ENDEDIT is a B800 text screen editor
Img2Txt - Extract Text From Images using AI
A shell script to convert any file or command output into a html table
Visual Programming for AutoLisp, C+Lisp
The easiest way to convert DMG files to ISO.
Convert JPEG and PNG images into the webp format
End User Tools for Windows.
ImageFlare - Fast & Easy Image Converter (PNG, JPG, WebP, etc.)
Open Source AI Models Your One-Stop Destination for AI Model Downloads
ImagesToPDF freeware designed to convert image files into PDF
Kisekae UltraKiss is a full featured integrated development environmen
BMPRGBA used to get the info of bmp image well as load the BMP image.
PDF Combiner is a user-friendly, GUI-based tool built in
Multi-core image resizer and rotator. Go crunch 'em!
A simple tool to convert your images into ASCII art.
Convert images to .ico format
Docx-2-PDF: The Converter [Improved.Simplified.Alternative]
Tools for 3D image analysis of additively manufactured parts
Remove Near White Pixels from an Image
Video-2-GIF Extractor 2.6 B8-105 (Perfected.Further+ Revised 2B)
Convert Netpbm programs to GIMP plug-ins
Convert colors to synth presets